Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I am not posting the revealing boy part pictures, but we have them as proof. Derek could not stop smiling. He loves his girls, but he is looking forward to having another man in the house :) Baby Ben. (Derek Benjamin Norton to carry on the DBN tradition.) We didn't have to work hard on this name, since we have had it picked out for over 3 years.


Lisa Merkley said...

I'm so glad you get a boy! Congrats, my friend!

Myrna said...

When is he due? Josie is having a boy at the end of May. Congrats!

triciarnorton said...

He is due June 14th. End of May would be fine by me :)

heidi said...

Congrats. You are going to have so much fun!!! Its adorable to see the way that Soren adores his big sister and I'm sure Ben will have a case of sister-adoration x 2:)

Debbi said...

Love the head shot of little Ben. So fun!

The Thackers said...

A boy! That's so exciting! I love little boys and all their cars, trucks, trains, swords, sticks, rocks, etc...and the "little boy" sound effects...Sam is always getting some bad guy or pretending he's a lion or hyena or other scary animal while making some strange and scary sounds and at the same time doing some kind of ninja kick. It's pretty funny. So much to look forward to! :-)