Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Libby the Hypochondriac

About 2 weeks ago I was making a visit to the chiropracter with Libby and Sarah. I told Libby we were going to see Dr. Oman. A few minutes later she asked, "What does Dr. Oman fix?" "I said, "He fixes backs." She said, "OOOHHHH my back hurts REALLY BAD!"
She had him "adjust" her back before he did mine. She seriously loves going to the doctor. She told me yesterday that she had a big stone in her throat and she needed to go to the doctor.

On the flip side, the other night Derek was putting her to bed. He hurt his back a bit wrestling last week, so he told her he didn't want to lay by her because his back hurt. She quickly responded by jumping out of bed and "adjusting" his back, complete with sound effects. "There, I fixed it," she announced. "Now get in bed and lay by me."

1 comment:

Stepheny said...

Awwww so cute! I can't wait to have kids. I wonder if Libby will turn out to be a doctor! Who knows? I really enjoy reading your blog! Keep posting!