Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Heal ME!

On Sunday Libby had a freak illness.  After church she started complaining of her stomach.  She started running a fever.  I thought I was certainly in for a night of cleaning up barf.  During the afternoon while she was crying and writhing she took breaks to watch Living Scripture movies.  One was The Miracles of Jesus where Christ heals a particularly dramatic woman.  In the evening Libby kept crying--"Jesus, please heal me!"  It was so cute.  And actually, there was no barfing.  She got up a couple of times in the night.  Once because she had to go potty and once because she bonked her nose (or was that last night)? On Monday morning the fever was gone and she was better.  I think her prayers (and mine) were heard!

1 comment:

Jnuck said...

Already a woman of faith!