Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Adventures of the Shoe Flies--or Ragnar NWP 2014

So if you haven't ever heard of a Ragnar Relay, it is a fun/insane event.  The relay distance is 190 miles.  You can have up to 12 runners (we do it with NO less ;).  Your team splits into 2 vans and you take turns running.  Each runner has 3 legs.  We started at 6:45 am on Friday and finished at 2:10 pm on Saturday.  So, with only a few hours sleep in between, we managed to run from Blaine WA to Langley WA.  Oh, and did I mention you wear costumes?  So, it is a little bit camping, a little bit running, a little bit eating, a very little bit sleeping, and a lot of snacking, team spirit, and road tripping.  Some of my favorite things all rolled into one.
This year my team had 3 returning Ragnar veterans, my sis-in-law Maren, my good friend Jen & me.  Our newbies were my sister Rachel, her husband Brad and our friend Christy.  I was so proud of all of us!  We ran through pain, heat, thirst, tummy troubles, lots of hills, and a little exhaustion.  Is it weird that I think it is so fun?  I guess 500 teams can't be wrong, right?
The starting line...don't we look so clean and happy?

Our shoes, ready to fly!

Jen ready for takeoff--the views from this run are spectacular!

So proud of the way these two ran!

Christy ready to fly

Our race nails.  This polish lasted about 3 minutes before chipping.  But it was fun to have it for a minute.

Brad needed a dousing--it got toasty for a few of our legs.

Maren totally rocks this outfit!

Trish ready for takeoff--if only she hadn't eaten such a big lunch, this would have been a more pleasant run.  Ugh.

Rachel showing some sweet moves.

We are awesome, what?

Christy ready for a night run.

Jen practicing her flying feet.  

Rachel ready for her "night" run at 5:30 am.  

Don't worry Brad, you got this!

Christy on her runner's high after 8.1 miles!

Some spectacular views and our friend Malcom from the Jaragnar Park team.  

Flying at the finish line.

The whole team together.  We did it!

1 comment:

Debbi said...

So proud of all of you, and what fun!