Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ear Infections!

My little ladies have had their fair share of ear infections. So, they both got tubes. Since then, we haven't had any trouble. Then, when Libby got this most recent cold, she started complaining about her ear. Now when she started complaining, it was bedtime. Bedtime complaints of various types are so common that I didn't really believe her. She is actually quite a hypocondriac when she thinks she can get something out of it.
Some examples:
"My back hurts, can I have some ice?"
"I have a headache, can I have some "dirty water" (meaning Coke, a headache remedy occasionally used at our house).
My favorite, yesterday I was taking her for a weight check at the doctor...Libby: "Are we going to get some cookies at the doctor?"
Mommy: "No, that is the dentist, we get cookies at our dentist."
Libby: "My teeth hurt."

Anyway, on Monday morning Libby woke up and let me know she was serious about her ears. She said (several times): "Mom, my ear is BLOCKED. I CAN'T HEAR! I NEED TO STICK A TOOTHPICK IN MY EAR! (meaning q-tip)" All of a sudden I realized that maybe this time she was actually telling the truth.

I took her in to the ear doctor and sure enough, her tube isn't even all the way out yet and she had an infection. My guess is that we have a second set of tubes in our future.

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