Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Sarah is so adorable. She is teething and a bit on the grumpy side off and on, but man is she cute. Here are some of my favorite Sarah quotes.
"Okey Dokey Artichokey."
When you succeed in doing anything, "There we go!"
"Can I have my green blankie?" (Her blankie is very multicolored, but not much green. Mostly cream, light blue, and light pink. But she feels like she needs to call it a color, since Libby's blankie is purple, not sure why she decided on green.)
We also love the OK book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. Yesterday she kept saying, "I'm an OK jumper, I'm an OK hiker, I'm an OK..., I'm an OK..."
Every night before bed we sing a primary song. Last night was "Happy Family." We sang it and prayed and then left Sarah in her bed to put Libby in bed. While daddy told Libby her favorite police stories we could hear Sarah singing away, "We are a happy family!" Then she stopped and went to sleep!
She is also very into running away when you want her to do something like put her shoes on. Her favorite destinations include all the far corners of the house, but yesterday she picked the bathtub. Hilarious.

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