Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mall Escapades

Yesterday was like the 10th rainy day in a row, or so it seemed. The girls were crabby. I decided to take them to the playground in the mall for a diversion. It ended up being quite an adventure.
Libby declared before we left that we HAD to get our PICTURES taken before we went to the playground.
Then, when I drove to the mall and parked, I parked in a different place. She totally FREAKED out that we weren't at the mall. She is so spatially aware it is crazy.
At the playground, Sarah tried to bolt. I caught her and herded her back in. Then I got distracted watching Libby jump off one of the high toys and do an amazing crash landing.
After a couple of minutes I noticed that Sarah was missing. I sent Libby around looking for her in the play area and then I went in looking. I then checked the stores in the area. Finally, I loaded up the stroller with one of two seats full. A double stroller with only one kid in it was a good way to signal that I was missing someone. Immediately a mom came up and asked if I was missing a daughter. She sent me in the right direction where I found a security guard who took me to Sarah who had, in the words of the guard, "gotten a long way." She was 1/2 down the mall hanging out with the Clearwire girl. Sarah was 100% calm and enjoying the situation. I was also calm. Irritated was my only emotion. Probably because I knew she had run away--but maybe I was too calm. We went back to the playground and enjoyed a few minutes of fun. Thanks to Mrs. Field's Libby got her caloric deficit back in check and we went home. (After one trip back from the car to the play area to get Sarah's blankie.) Sarah took a nap. Whew. All's well that ends well, right?


Lisa Merkley said...

I lost Josh in the mall once, too. I had stopped to get a Christmas present for someone and he kept walking. He headed straight for the stupid car strollers that you can rent.

I'm glad you found her...the little stinker! :)

Nancy said...

Oh--I can just imagine the panic you probably felt. Lost Joshua in Walmart once--terrifying experience.