Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Favorite Trip Quotes

My kids always say so many funny things with family around.

Soren remembered this one:
Libby: what is the odds of that?! Sarah: Libby, it's 'are.' What ARE the odds of that?

How did I almost forget one of my favorites? Sarah :auntie Rae Rae do you like my shirt? It's a size 7 but it (using air quotes here) "still fits me".

We got to go to a show put on by my sister Emily's students at West Point Jr. High. It was hilarious. Libby loved how the "duh duh duh" sound came on after each time they said "The Horrible Monster of Danky Swamp." Libby also laughed so hard in the pre-show. It was contagious and hilarious. Grandma remembered:
Sarah said: "I really liked the Horrible Monster of Danky Swamp."

Rae Rae: And of course I loved Ben giving a "Poke in the snoot!"

Sarah also told me at Cafe Rio that if I get sick but don't throw up, and then get a big lump in my tummy, then I will be having a baby. She said that's what happened when her mommy had Ben. (I am so sorry I missed hearing this quote!)

Davey gave the girls "uppy" rides where he would carry them. During the "double uppy". Libby: Sarah do you want down? Sarah: No I want someone to put their hand on my butt.

Bryn remembered that after Derek told Ben his teeth would get messed up if he kept using binky, Ben asked me, surprised, "Will they grow in backwards?!"

She also had the girls ask her if she was singing back up in the "Faith, Hope and Cheerios" song on the Randall Jamz CD. We had discussed this in the car about 2 months ago. I am surprised they remembered.

We went to see Brad in a show at BYU Idaho. "Lend me a Tenor." It was hilarious. The girls loved it. At one point in the show one of the characters appears to be dead. Brad is trying to wake hiim. Libby yelled from the back row, "Just slap him in the face Brad!"

We took the girls to a restaurant called Sammy's in Rexburg. They have a stage where they have live music on the weekends. We were there to early to hear any, but the guy was there setting up. Ben became his friend right away. Sarah asked if they could sing the Frozen song "Let it Go." So the guy used my phone to play it and they got up on stage and sang (all the words they know) into the microphone. It was adorable.

That night we slept at the "Hotel Cottle," aka Rachel's house. I think Sarah actually thought it was a hotel until about 2 days ago.