Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March Marching ON

March always seems SO long.  February rushes by in a flurry of activity that is mind blowing (this year it was extra busy with 2 funerals).  Then comes March.  Which goes SO SO slow.  We still have middle school wrestling, which ends the last Wednesday in March.  We still have rain and bad weather.  The flowers in the yard are almost blooming.  But, we had a few fun things this week that made it fun!
Sunday night was a combined Grandpa Brion and Emma birthday.  We ate haystacks and had a good time.  We gave Emma a rolling suitcase for her travels this summer.  Ben fit right inside and loved being rolled around.  They surprised us by rolling Ben out then coming back and having Libby jump out.  Not sure how to feel that my 6 year old can fit inside a carry-on rolling suitcase.  Sarah did a concert (twice) of "Let It Go" from Frozen.  She sings with major emotion and drama.  It is fabulous!  She knows basically all the words, the dramatic pauses, when to sing and not to sing "the cold never bothered me anyway."  It is adorable.
Monday night we had a St. Patty's Day dinner (cornbeef and cabbage) with Mike and Derek's "work wife"

Leroy his and family.  Mike bought 6 kinds of green soda at the Rootbeer store.  One was even called Bug Barf.  It wasn't too bad.  The nasty kind was the Spruce Beer.  Like drinking Comet cleanser.  Sarah did another concert performance of "Let it Go".  The highlight of this performance was when she tried to remove the microphone from the stand and bopped herself in the face.  She was shocked but kept going!
Tuesday was a normal Bodypump night.  Wednesday was a normal swimming lesson and mom goes to YW night.
Thursday we went to one of Derek's last wrestling matches at the middle school.  We found out that one of his wrestlers used to live in our house as a renter.  It was super fun to talk to his mom (her daughter is also in preschool with Sarah) about the house.  Libby and Sarah are super excited to have a few younger siblings their ages at the matches.  Libby set up a gymnastics mat on the side of the room and had everyone sitting down and raising their hands and taking turns doing things.  She is so much like me it is scary.
Ben dashed out to be with dad during the match.  Derek sat him in the bench with the heavyweight.  He wasn't too happy about it.
Later that night I went to a fun birthday party for Auntie Jen where I ate a vegetarian stew with tofu.  Hmmmm.  It was good, but I like meat!
Ben entertaining himself during the match by picking his nose and wiping it on my shirt.
It is against the rules to take pictures in the Paramount.  Maren is such a rebel!
Friday we went to the LION KING (everyone but Ben)!  Auntie Maren bought us all tickets for Christmas.  It started at 8 pm.  Kinda late for the kiddos (and for me, I admit it).  But it was pretty amazing!  The costumes and dancing were astonishingly amazing.  If it weren't for the creepy guy sitting next to me in a white sequin tuxedo jacket and red velvet pants who clapped uproariously every 2 minutes it would have been a perfect night!  It was pretty darn close to perfect.  The best part of the evening was when the grass dancers came out and Sarah exclaimed, "Those are boys in skirts!  Why are they in skirts?  Boys don't wear skirts?"  Her commentary was great throughout!

1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

I need a video of Sarah's "Let it go!" This sounds too priceless to miss!