Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Week Like NO Other

Last Sunday I taught Gospel Doctrine (a Sunday School class) for my friend Taylor.  It was a lesson on the trials of Joseph.  He faced lots of adversity and still remained upbeat and positive.  I knocked on wood several times as I taught the lesson, hoping that I could talk about how we should remain happy and faithful during trials and not have to practice what I was preaching.  It didn't work.  I got to practice what I preached A LOT  this week.
Here are a few of the things that I went through this week.  Still nothing compared to Joseph, but it seemed like this week was never going to end.
-Ben woke up in a pile of poop on Monday.
-Sarah wet her pants on the bathroom floor.
-My van battery died (and I had seen Ben turn on the light in the back that led to this problem).  Then I was impatient in the jump start process and went and bought a new battery.  I was impatient in the installation process, didn't get it installed correctly and ended up having it towed to the dealership because I didn't know why it wouldn't work.  They "only" charged me $87 to scoot the negative connecting cable down a 1/2 inch.
-We took Mike's car to the wrestling match (final match of the season, so I didn't want to miss it).  Derek's team lost by one match for the 3rd match in a row.  
-Then, when I was frantically trying to complete the errands I should have been running when my van wouldn't start (we were feeding the missionaries dinner), Ben wet out the side of his diaper onto the floor in Safeway in the crowded checkout line.
All that was Monday.  I have to say, without our roommate Mike, I wouldn't have survived Monday or been able to start Tuesday.
Anyway, to sum up the rest of the week:
-I missed book club on Tuesday because Derek's seating meeting went long.
-Sarah wet the bed on Wednesday morning--a SUPER rare occurrence.  No more root beer before bed.
-We suffered through the district wrestling tournament on Wednesday, (the Rhino information table went well, but the tournament was poorly run and went LONG, so long we left before they even started the final round.)
-Libby got an ear infection in the early hours of Thursday, just after Derek left for the airport to go the national wrestling tournament.  (And for those who know Libby, this was an EXTREMELY dramatic event.)
-I had a small meltdown on the phone with Libby's doctor's office when they wouldn't schedule her and appointment.
-I taught Zumba to Sarah's preschool class with Ben alternately dancing with the other kids, throwing balls at the group and clinging to me (why didn't I get a babysitter for him?).
-Friday Derek called me from VA where he was at the National Wrestling tournament.  His wrestler had decided to misbehave and they needed to come home early.  This became a much more painful and distressing situation than I can go into on my blog.  But our hearts are aching for an athlete that we really loved.
-And, the bathroom that I had just repaired due to water leaking from the bathroom above started dripping again.  Really.  (The way it happened though, I was finally able to figure out the problem and our plumber fixed it yesterday, whew!)
-I am ready to start a new week.
All week I kept telling myself that it wasn't really that bad.  I mean the reason I subbed Sunday School last week was that my friend's daughter was in the hospital for a week with pneumonia.  That is truly awful!  But while we are in the midst of stress, it doesn't seem to matter that the problems aren't as big as someone else's.  They feel big to us.
It was wonderful to get up this morning and listen to the general women's meeting while I did my neck traction and tidied up the house.  Here is to a new start.

1 comment:

Taylor said...

What an awful week. Thanks for subbing for me though! Sorry it jinxed your for the rest of the week.