Life & Times of 5 Busy Nortons

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas Day...

We started the day off with frantic packing.  (Not my style, but it was the best I could do since I had to wait until they opened a few of their gifts to finish packing.)  Then we headed to the Nortons for the traditional sausages and waffles with bacon in them.  We opened gifts there and got to speak to Paige for a couple of minutes before heading to the airport.  Can I just say that I LOVE travelling with my kids so much MORE than when they were little?  They were SO good!  They each pulled his/her own carryon.  They wore their own backpacks.  And they were so good on the flight!  Ben just played with his guys and ate snacks.  He used the iPad for the last 1/2 hour or so.  I read Harry Potter to Libby and Sarah.  I enjoyed this so much, and so did they!  

Over the mountains and through the air to grandmother's house we went!

Pretty sure this is mount Rainier

We made it!
We opened gifts and had an amazing Prime Rib Christmas dinner.  There really is no place like home for the holidays!  (No place like home for breeding germs either which we were soon to discover :)

This is James, Ben's cousin.  He is about to turn 2.  They are almost the same size.  They really learned to play together.  It was super fun.  You could hear them running around the living room yelling "Beep Beep, coming through!"

1 comment:

Laney said...

Waffles with bacon?? Yes, please!!

I'm so jealous you are at the stage of good traveling children. So. Jealous. That feels really far away to me.

I can't believe you flew with three kids alone!!!!!!!!